Thursday, October 11, 2012

iPhones and Smartphones: Can we live without them?

A digital tidal wave. That's what I call it. I'm old enough to remember a time that when I was out and had to place a phone call, all I needed was a quarter and an available pay phone or phone booth. I remember a time when I walked the streets and hummed to myself to pass the time. I remember a time when I used both hands on the steering wheel of my vehicle. But all that changed when the digital tidal wave crashed into our everyday lives. There's no going back now, because the smartphone has become an extension of ourselves.

With the introduction of the smartphone, no longer do you need to find a corner with a booth or search the side of store building for the pay phone. Right there in your pocket you have the means to reach out and touch someone you know and love. Unfortunately, it will most likely cost you more than a quarter, due to expensive cell phone plans with carriers offering data plans that just make the cost even more burdensome.

With the introduction of the smartphone, no longer do you need to feel uncomfortable walking down the street without something to do. You'll fiddle with your fingers, launching pixelated irate fowls at snickeing swine all while falling down a uncovered manhole that just happens to be in your path ahead. You seem to be at a loss of what to do when there's "down time" or when there's nothing to do. I guess lip diddles or humming or whittling a bit of wood is not as interesting anymore as taking a photo on your smartphone and posting it online with just a couple of thumb presses.

With the introduction of the smartphone, no longer do you have to steer your car with both hands and with such racing aplomb as to rival the great NASCAR champions. Now you can use your right hand to text your BFF (best friend forever) that her new fingernail color is "da bomb" as your left hand turns the wheel towards the side of the pavement that avoids the pizza parlor, but lands your Toyota Prius in the display window of a bridal shop. Say "yes" to that dress!

Seriously though, can we live without them? Yes, we can live without the convenience of smartphones. Do they add to our lives? Maybe. Certainly, these digital devices entertain us and inform us, but are we getting our money's worth with these expensive monthly cell phone plans? Nah, I think I got more worth out of my one quarter in the local pay phone, especially when I just needed to make a call. And what about actually calling someone? Do we really use these smartphones as phones anymore? I admit, the main use for my Android-powered LG Optimus Thrill 3D smartphone is to access the Internet when I'm away from my laptop or desktop. Besides accessing the Internet, I often check out the weather app to see how I should dress myself before I go out the front door. I also use the TipCalc app when I'm at a restaurant so I offer the proper tip amount to my server. And yes, even though the digital camera, with its humble 5MP lens, does not meet the top-of-the-line DSL photographic specs, it still gets the job done when I need a few quick snaps to capture the moment.

Isn't that why we need smartphones? They are indispensible. They are the Swiss Army knives of the new digital age. Every pocket and pocketbook would feel lonely without one. So if you have a smartphone, like I do, consider yourself a truly "modern" man (or woman). Arguably, your life would not be as fun or fulfilled as it would be without that slab of touch-sensitive cool glass and dazzling microprocessors that give our favorite apps their juice. Long live the smartphone! (Until some other technology makes it obsolete.)

~Andrew K.

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