Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Questions for the 2012 Presidential Candidates

The Presidential Debate between Mitt Romney (R) and Barack Hussein Obama (D)
Date: October 3, 2012
Location: Denver, Colorado

Questions for Governor Mitt Romney:

  1. If elected, you will become the first President of the United States who follows and practices the Mormon religion. How will your faith influence the way you plan to govern the nation?
  2. Governor Romney, many in the Republican party are fed up with the current tax code and the uncontrolled spending of Congress under both political parties, which gave rise to the Tea Party movement. How do you plan to win over Tea Party voters who did not support you during the Republican primaries and who do not believe you are serious about cutting taxes or revising the tax code to make it more equitable for all citizens?
  3. Considering this election is all about the economy and average American citizens are suffering financially with a devalued dollar, if elected, what plans do you have (in working with Congress) to create a business-friendly environment so that jobs will increase in America and not be shipped overseas?
  4. Governor Romney, you have not been very specific about your plans if elected President, so to give the American citizens an idea of how you intend to govern the nation, which of all the former Republican (or even Democrat) administrations would you model your Presidency after?
  5. The world is in turmoil, particularly the Middle East. Iran is close to developing nuclear weapons and the safety of our allies, i.e., Israel, is being threatened. If elected, how will you and your administration improve America's international relations so that peace can prevail and another world war is averted in the region?    

Questions for President Barack Hussein Obama:

  1. Many Americans who voted for you in 2008 believed that you would unite the nation, because of your uniquely mixed ethnic background; however, your social and fiscal policies (as well as your re-election campaign rhetoric) has been nothing but divisive, especially with your class warfare strategies to pit the rich against the poor, Wall Street against Main Street, the 1% against the 99%, the so-called "war on women" you accuse Republicans of, and so on. Many people believed that having the first Black President would unite the country in a post-racial society, but the country is more divided after just four years of your Presidency. Mr. Obama, when does racism end?
  2. You vigorously fought for passage of the Affordable Healthcare Act, also known as "Obamacare," because you believe that everyone is entitled to healthcare regardless of social or economic status. Mr. Obama, if you favor every American citizen having a right or entitlement to healthcare that would be provided by the federal government, then what else do you believe citizens have a right to, such as an automobile, a home, a smartphone, a laptop, and so on---do you believe the government should provide these things to every American citizen? In other words, Mr. Obama, do you believe in the philosophy of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"?
  3. As the United State's first Black President, many young black children will grow up to idolize you and your political beliefs of big government, the welfare state, and redistribution of wealth. What do you think your Presidential legacy will be and do you think young black children should learn from you that they cannot succeed in America without the federal government's assistance?
  4. Mr. Obama, many people believe you are a Muslim and not a Christian as you claim. Your personal background and upbringing show you as having attended Muslim schools during your brief time as a young man in Indonesia. You have embraced Muslim leaders in many of your travels abroad as President, while shunning leaders of other faiths, such as Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Prime Minister. It is clear that you identify with Muslims to some extent, but your administration's failed foreign policies have not done anything to improve America's image in the Middle East. Do you believe that the United States is safer (and the country's standing with international nations is improved) after four years of your foreign policies?
  5. One slogan often associated with Bill Clinton's Presidential campaign was "It's the economy, stupid!" Considering the jobless rate is still around +8%, gas prices are higher than when Bush was in office, the economy has not recovered and doesn't look to recover after the new healthcare law taxes take effect (conveniently after the election), why should the American citizens vote for you again?
This blog post was created by A.J. Kamateros, who is solely responsible for its content.

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