Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Review of the Sona Pillow®

As someone who suffers from obstructive sleep apnea and could not tolerate a CPAP machine, I needed to find a solution (short of surgery) to my problem. Sona Pillow® was recommended to me by word of mouth. I did my own online research to see if this product was legitimate. After reading online reviews (mostly positive) by actual users, I decided to purchase my own pillow through Amazon.com. It cost me about $40 (free shipping), which is much cheaper than a CPAP machine. So, what do I think of the Sona Pillow after a few nights?
Well, I can't say much about the pillow at this point. I need to give it a full 30 nights before I can comment on its effectiveness in lessening the effects of sleep apnea. The pillow is not a cure by any means. The idea is to restrict the sleeper on his/her side, so as to keep the breathing passage open and unobstructed. This is done by the unique "turtle shape" of the pillow. If the directions are followed, this pillow helps reduce or eliminate the snoring or labored breathing of a sleep apnea sufferer throughout the night. As more oxygen is inhaled, a more restful night and quality sleep is achieved.
So far, the Sona Pillow has not worked for me. My wife told me that I actually slept on my back for most of the first night. Sleeping on my back causes me to snore loudly. Obviously, not good. After the second night of use, I woke up face-down in the middle of the pillow. Not much to praise at this point, but I will keep using it, because I have yet to complete the 30 night trial. Hopefully, my body will get used to the pillow and the positive results claimed by other sleepers will be reward.
Bottomline: The jury is still out on the Sona Pillow.

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